We work with so many great organizations and people. It really is the best part of our job! One of the ways we like to give back to our community is by donating 5% of November sales to a local non-profit. This includes the entire month of November, not just a day or week. In years past we donated the 5% to Rebuild Jamestown, Imagine!, Colorado Haiti Project, There With Care, and the Carousel of Happiness.
2019- As a team, we choose to give to the Community Foundation of Boulder County, specifically to the mental health outreach www.commfound.org.
2018- This year we are excited to work with I Have a Dream Foundation of Boulder County. Having been a mentor with IHAD in Denver, I know first hand the positive impact this has for the kids. Please learn more about this successful non profit which just celebrated 25 years in Boulder County. Thank you I Have a Dream!

“The mission of the “I Have a Dream” program is to motivate and empower children from low-income communities to reach their education and career goals by providing a long-term intervention program of mentoring, tutoring, and cultural enrichment. Upon graduation from high school, each Dreamer is eligible to receive a four-year tuition-assistance scholarship for college or vocational school.”
If you have a project waiting to be framed, why not frame it in November month. Your money directly impacts children in Boulder County.